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The Gear Jammers Car Club makes charitable donations to
two local area charities during our November monthly
meeting at Little Bohemian Hall in Silverhill, Alabama on
November 12, 2024.
A $500.00 donation was made to Executive Director Deann
Servos of Prodisee Pantry A faith based non-profit
community ministry providing emergency food and disaster
relief to over 210,635 Baldwin County families facing
hardship stemming from job loss, medical expences, natural
disasters and other crisis.
Development Director Jessica Ware of Baldwin County
Child Advocacy Center also received a $500.00 donation.
For over 35 years, the Baldwin County Child Advocacy Center
has been providing unique and life-changing services for
child victims of sexual abuse and severe physical abuse and
their supportive, non-offending family members through a
multidisciplinary team approach.
We are proud to play a small part in all these well deserving
William Paynter has resigned as Vice President. Eddie Jeselink
has been nomiated and elected to replace him. Eddie will hold a
duel roll as both Vice President and Sergeant of Arms.
Club Donations
Instead of raffles or fundraisers to raise club funds we will
continue to ask members for a monetary donations throughout
the year. We place no restriction on how much or how often you
may give. Any donation will be appreciated. Just pay by
separate check or cash to our Treasurer Ann Young at any
meeting. This is how we raise the money for our veterans,
please donate!
The William F Green Veterans Home Car Show will be held in
March 15, 2025. See flyer on our events page and Facebook.
We will need volunteers to help with preparing and setting up.
Please volunteer!
It’s that time of year for club dues. Only $25.00 a year it’s a
great deal. Dues are payable by the April business meeting.
Avoid the rush by paying early.
We have a new cruise-in starting January 4, 2025.
1st Saturday of the month. Saltwater Brew Cars
& Coffee at Saltwater Fencing & Woodworks LLC,
15915 Silverhill Ave., Silverhill, AL. 8:00 AM - 10:00